Tuesday, October 22, 2013

I'm on drugs...

 This is literally what my life has looked like for the past week and a half. This cold is so stubborn and will NOT go away. I mean I know I am good company and a ball of fun but seriously cold... It's time to move on. Although this cold has pretty much taken all my energy away from me, I still have had a pretty great week. Although I whine to myself daily that I wish I had my mommy to take care of me, my roommates have really taken care of me. They make me hot honey water and soup and put up with my nasty cough until the wee hours of the morning. They are angels. Sunday was amazing... Its better said in pictures...

3 pumpkins and a couple broken knifes later... Kristina finally got her roasted pumpkin seeds and two really cute jack-o-lanterns for our porch.

Jac decided to make some cake pops. They were delicious but Jac may or may not had a mental breakdown making them... Oh goodness I love that girl.

We all unintentionally matched at church. Adorbs.  

There were zombie guts...zombie guts everywhere...

So basically a crappy week full of coughs and sleepless nights turned out to be amazing with a heart to heart with my BFF Jerica and watching the Walking Dead.. AH if you haven't watched it then you need to stop whatever you are doing right now and watch it. I mean finish reading my blog and then go watch it. If you don't watch the show, then get your life together and take 3 days of school, work or whatever pointless thing you are doing with your life and watch it. I am sorry I just have strong unbreakable feelings for The Walking Dead. 

Jerica also is the bestest friend in the world. She sent me on a scavenger hunt and it led me to a Kit Kat and if you know me then you know that's the way to my heart. There may or may not be a swear in here... if you are my mother reading this, shield your perfect eyes. Daphne is our blue cat lamp... Jealous? I thought so. 

Sometimes we match and we show up at school and realize that we are on the same brain wavelength... we are besties and we look good in stripes. 

So...even though my life ended up looking like this for a while I can truly say that I am blessed with great friends and I am happy. :) 

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