Friday, November 8, 2013

Hallows Eve...

October is probably my favorite month of the year. It's fall for one, you eat everything pumpkin in sight and most importantly it's Halloween. There are few things in this life I love more than Halloween. My family gets all kinds of into it and some would say we are mentally insane but I call it family bonding. 

I have a lot to catch up on, because Halloween for me isn't just a one day affair. It's all month and it never stops. My roommates and I decided one night that we were going to have a fun night no matter what. We decided to go to this dance party going on at one of the apartment complexes, but one problem, we needed costumes... So Kristina, who hardly ever comes out with us because she is engaged and would rather spend her time talking to her betrothed. I mean who wouldn't? She provided us not only with our costumes for the night but she then wore the greatest costume I have ever seen. She was none other than a pregnant prostitute, I mean could it get any better than that? I think not. I will save her from the embarrassment and not post a picture but I am sure you can use your imagination. Jac went as a ? Something? and I went as Workout Barbie. Let's just say I got really into character...

We danced our pants off and then maybe illegally went to a gym and jumped on trampolines and danced on the balance beams and had a killer night. One of the best I have ever had here at college. 

Here is a little taste of the night we had.

The next night I went to probably the best thing I have seen in my whole entire life. Seriously I think I died. I am a ghost and I died when I saw the amazingness. I literally forgot how to use words. I went to see a rock opera called Deep Love and it was incredible. After the show I met the two men who sang in it and I literally said to them and I quote, "It was... so... ahh... I forgot how to use... the words in the mouth... I love you." I don't even know, I totally fan girl-ed out, and I am not ashamed. 

My friends and I at work decided at we needed to have a pumpkin dinner and so we had the best pumpkin dinner ever. Soup. Cookies. Rolls shaped like pumpkins. Pumpkin Crack bars. Jerica puts crack in her food to make us all addicted. It was perfection.

The next week I left for home and got to spend some time with my Granee and Aunt and Cousins which I loved. I left for home and got there on the beloved day (Hallows Eve) Sara picked me up from the airport and we got food because at that point I could have eaten my arm. I got to my house and it was decorated to perfection. The festivities were starting. It is really hard to capture everything that happens so here is just a taste and also my father being... himself. 

My little brother scaring the pants off of everyone and Rylee being a star. She seriously is so committed to the bit. It's terrifying. 

After all the scaring Sara and I went to Halloween party as a cowgirl and an Indian. It was presh. We are besties. Be Jel.

After Halloween my mom and I decided to go to the Ballet. It is a tradition that we started when I was 12 to go to the Nutcracker every year but we love the ballet so much that sometimes we go other times of the year. We went to see Cinderella and it was beautiful and everything I love about the ballet. 

When we got there we had a couple minutes to spare and there was a festival for The Day of the Dead going on, so we strolled through the street and I bought a couple of rad looking rings. Best. I love hanging out with my mommy. 

A few loose ends from the past couple weeks...

 Aparently the internet thinks I look like Rihanna. Not once. But twice... I'll take it. 

Tyson or better known as Macklemore likes to have birthdays and dress up in kitty footsies. 

Sometimes when things in life get a little hard and you need to move on but you aren't sure how... I've come to the realization that it is a lot easier to burn it.

 So. Again. And not intentional at all. We have decided that we have known each other for so long that we have the exact same wardrobe. Showing up to work matching for the 12th time this semester is cute right?

I like red lipstick. It makes me feel pretty. 

I hope everyone had a killer Hallows Eve. I know I did. 

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