Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Pumpkin Cookies, Conference, and Bat Wings..

I may or may not have had the best weekend in a long time. I spent 8 hours watching General Conference, which was the best one I have ever ever seen. I made pumpkin cookies because it isn't fall until pumpkin cookies are made. I also got a little carried away with decorating my house for Halloween because I am overly obsessed with Halloween thanks to my good old dad. Also, I wanted to be like my mother for just 5 minutes because she decorates to perfection and is just so incredible when it comes to anything. Here are my adventures this weekend :)

This is what I know for certain:

I know that I love life.

I know that there is too much beauty on this earth, there are too many miracles in this life, there are too many times that I have felt a grander love that is above an earthly feeling, too many tender moments in my life with no other explanation than a higher being. A heaven and Father in that Heaven who loves me. Who knows me. Who would do anything for me; even send his most beloved son to this earth to die for me. I know that I have a Savior who died for me because I am worth it. I know that this isn't it. This mortal life isn't the end when we die. I know that I can return to a loving Heavenly Father. I know this.

I know that one day I will be married, and I know that one day I will have a family. This is something that is becoming almost an outdated notion in this world. Marriage and having a family isn't “cool” but I do not want to be “cool” if that is what that means now. I want a loving marriage with a faithful husband who has the same outlook on life as I do. I want to have children, yep you heard that right; multiple children. And I know this to be true. If I work hard at a marriage, it will not fail. If I work my hardest to be a mother, a great mother, I know I will have a loving family. I know that the only way to have this, is through loving my Heavenly Father first and foremost.

I know that I am not a perfect being. I know that no one is on this earth. However, I do know that if I serve others, I do good works and come unto my Savior, I will be able to become perfect. I will be saved by grace if only I work to do so.

I invite others to come to know. Who have questions about life. Why are we here? What are we doing here? I have had these questions but now that I know for myself, I am at peace.

There are so many things I still do not understand but what I do know fill those other things with faith. I have faith that I will one day understand and know.

I am not trying to push my faith, or my religion on anyone. I am merely inviting others to find out for themselves and those who want to feel peace about their existence, to look for an answer, however that may be. However, like President Uchtdorf said in conference this weekend, “If you are looking for a place of belonging…there is room for you here.”

I know for certain I am happy. 

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