Friday, June 7, 2013

Jerica Elizabeth Denby

Today is my best friend's 21st birthday! And the sad thing is, I am half way across the world. Our birthdays are one week apart, so for one week we get to be the same age! Since I met her in my first year in college we have had a birthday extravaganza! We celebrate basically the whole month and it is seriously the best few weeks ever, every year! This year I had to settle to only Skype her for a few short moments and to make a really embarrassing yet perfect depiction of our friendship and life. Jerica is one of the best people I know; she is so kind and makes me want to be better every day. She likes to eat a lot, mostly tacos and dance for hours in the living room and watch Harry Potter for days straight. It is a match made in friendship heaven. There are only a few people in this world I call my best friends. There are exactly 2 who I can call my sisters. I was never blessed with a sister of my own and neither was Jer, so I think that is what helped us to become so close. She is hilarious and the best advice giver, her dancing when she gets up on the table and hits her head on the celing is probably the best thing about her. I love her with all my heart. Now here is a video for your viewing pleasure. Don't judge. 

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